Sunday, April 15, 2012

Shake Shake Shake Our Earth

Shake Shake Shake Our EarthLayers:LithosphereActivities:, BrainPop Video, Music VideosTopics: Continental Drift, Faults, Plate Tectonic, Earthquakes, Earth Structure, Seismic Waves.Earth has four basic layers: inner Core, outer core, mantle and crust. Crust is the layer that we live on. This is the hard layer under grass, and water. It is thick in the continent and in the ocean basins. Mantle is made up of mixture of element. It is deep and massive, goes down from the bottom of the crust. The upper mantle is soft and plastic which allow the plates move around. The lower mantle is solid and hot. The center of the earth is core, outer core and inner core. Outer core made of molten iron and nickel. It is liquid layer with 2,300 Km thick. Inner core is 5,100 Km below the surface. Inner core is a hard ball that made of iron. Asthenosphere activities topics-  Asthenosphere
-  Activities :Demonstration
- Topics: Convection Currents
- he mantle is very hot  and is under great pressure. Convection Cuurents move the earth’s plates. Heat from the outer core cause the magma go up and then it go down again when it reaches the cooler crust creating circle.z
MantleActivities: Photographic evidenceTopics: Plate boundaries, Subduction Zone, Fault zone, Hot spot, Tsunami, Earthquake When plates moving, they can slide apart, collide together or horizontally past each other. The boundaries where plates meet may cause volcanoes, mountains, trenches and earthquakes. They are also called faults. Because plates build up pressure in side rocks, rocks broke up and shift to release the pressure. This is earthquake. Earthquake has three types of waves. They are P-wave, S-wave and L-wave. earthquake can bring huge damage to the environment. It is serious disaster.2. Critical Thinking Question I agree with the theory of plate tectonics. If we put all continents together, they are look like puzzle.. After millions years, Earth’s crust broke up in large pieces called plates. Plates are moving few centimeters away from each year. Scientists found that rocks record and fossils in continents have similarity. That’s why there are seven continents on the earth.Because of the convection current, the heat in the mantle forces plates are moving on top of the mantle in different direction. This causes the ocean floor spreading from the center.3. Reflection1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?I most enjoy is can chose activities on each types.2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?Find the project on time.3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?I learned to make video.4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
I could come to present my project.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Direct Sunlight 直接阳光 When the light from the sun hits the earth in a straight line.
Indirect Sunlight 间接阳光 When the light from the sun hits earth at the angle.

Equator 赤道 Separetes earth in 1/2.

Hemisphere 半球 1/2 of earth.

Tilt 斜 Not straight.

Polaris 南极星 The north star, earth's axis point to this star.

Earth revolution  地球公转 Earth around the sun.

Orbit 轨道 Path on object takes around another object.

Ellipse 椭圆 The shape of Earth's oval

Axis 轴 imaginary line through middle of earth.

Earth have 4 season. Spring,Fall,Winter,Summer.When the direct sunlight to the earth is summer. When the indirect sunlight to the earth is winter.The Equator are separate earth in 1/2. One is north hemisphere the other is south hemisphere. when north hemisphere is summer so the south hemisphere will be winter.The earth's axis always point to polaris. The season alway moving to count clock wise.tilt and earth revolution is main cause of the season. The earth's tile is 23.5 degree. and the earth revolution length is one year.At the summer time the earth axis point to the sun.At the winter time the earth axis point away to the sun.The earth orbit the sun. and the shape is ellipse.So sometime the earth close to the sun.


Crical Thinking Question: Hw is earth affected by movement(revolution)?
The earth revolution takes about 365days, and rotation on its axis is 24 hours.Earth tilted is 23.5 degrees. The rotation casues day and night.The earth and the revolution of the earth around the sun also causes 4 different seasons. which are Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.indirect and direct sunlight Which causes Spring and fall equinoxes, Summer and winter solstices.Summer solstices the longest day in North Hemisphere is June 21/22, while winter solstices is shortest day is on Dec 21/22 South Hemisphere.lunar revolution take 28-31 days.Moon have different phases.The earth have 2 type of tide. Neap tide and spring tide.Is cause by the gravity and lunar revolution.

1.What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I most enjoy is can record this project.take a video about this project.Because I can look at any time.

2.What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
I think is edit the project. add affect it.I dont have ideas for it.

3.What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
Edit the video at Imovie.

4.Is there anythink that you could have donte to improve any of your work?Explain.
I think I should add more affect at my video.My video was not so good.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Geologic Time Scale- Silurian

Summary: The Silurian is a geologic period at million ago. In silurian period the powerful animal. reefs are begin to build.the jawed fish appeared dring silurian.Some evidence suggests the presence of predatory trigonotarbid arachnoids and  myriapods in Late Silurian facies.

Project Reflection
1. What did you enjoy most about this project?
I most enjoy this project is can work independent. I like to work by myself. And research this my type. know about geologic time,
2. What was most challenging about this project? Why?
The most challenging about this project is doing the research. Research was the most fun part at this project. But also is the challenging part because I don't know anything about my type. So I have to find all the information about this type.
3. What you change about this project and why?
If I can change about this project I will change the teacher will be give us the information about the type. So i don't have a hard time for looking the information.
4. What are 3 things that you learned form this project?
- I learned what kind the animal have at my period.
-I learned the silurian period have different rock.
-I learned at the silurian period the sea are different to now.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Stars

1.     What is a star?
Stars are large hot gases ball some of  are dim and some are bright.  The stars look small because the star far away from us. But actually they look big. Some star are bigger then sun. stars have different color and sizes.

In the center of the star is nuclear fusion. Is where the heat is made.  Star can classified in different type.  Like color, sizes, luminosity, temperature etc.

2. Type of stars
Stars are classified into different types. They are super giant , giant , main sequence and white dwarf. Also the stars classified into other different categories. Such as types of stars. color, luminosity,age ,sizes, special class and temperature.
White dwarf are old stars and dim. They color  are white. The temperature between 4,000-7,000,spectral class of white dwarf can be B, A, FMain sequence stars are young medium  stars that can be any colors, They have different luminosity and temperature. They all have different special class. Super giant stars are super huge middle age stars, that can have any color, temperature luminosity and spectral class.
3.H-R Diagram
H-R Diagram is  a graphical tool to show the characteristics of stars. and classified them based on the luminosity, color, sizes. based on all the information about stars. also can define the special class.
4. Nuclear Fusion
The star is born with a giant cloud the cloud gets smaller because the gravity. When it shrink it gets hotter and hotter. When it is hot enough, the star is born. This is nuclear reaction. Nuclear fusion help stars to make enery /it is the process of the nuclear reaction change two hydrogen molecules into a helium molecule. and enery inside the stars.
5.The life cycle of a Star
Star have a life cycle. it has the process. Every stars are born with giant clouds with dust and gas. This is called stellar nebula. But there is a different cycle between sun-like, huge stars and giant stars.
Sun-like stars born with stellar nebula which is a giant cloud with dust and gas, and then it forms a star, next step will become a red giant star, and the red giant star will collapse in to a cloud of dust and gas, this is planetary nebula, and it will become a white dwarf after it, and finally it die and become a black dwarf. Huge star born with stellar nebula too, after it forms a star, it become a red giant, the star will have a big explosion called supernova, and it become a neutron star. Giant star follow almost the exact steps as the huge stars, but unlike huge star, after the supernova, giant star will become a black hole.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Planet: Earth


Planet Order : 3rd from the sun

Distance from the Sun : 149.6 million km

Mass: 5.9742 × 1024 kilograms                      Diameter: 12756.2 km

Rotation: 24 hours                                           Revolution: 1 year

# of Moons: 1               

Planet Description: 
-71 percent of the earth is covered i ocean.
-Earth's atmosphere it traps the sun heat while blocking harmful radiation.

Interesting Facts:
-The earth's atmosphere contains 21 percent oxygen.
-Keep the temperature just right of life.
-Earth only has one moon.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hurricanes Irene

Critical Thinking

1. What time of year do hurricanes occur? Why do they only happen during that time ?
  At the summer time. Because the summer time the ocean will warm. So the hurricane only happen at the warm ocean.
2. How can the timing of the tides(high or low) effect the devastation of a hurricane?
If the storm surge coming during the high tide. It will have more water coming form the ground. all the are will saturated. The hurricane damaged will increase.

3. If an area if fully saturated, will a hurricane have more or less impact on an area ?
 If an area if fully saturated, will a hurricane have more impact on an area. Because the area already saturated. If the hurricane come it will created a flooding in the area.
4. How does groundwater saturation affect rivers and streams?
Groundwater saturation affect rivers and streams have more water.If there have too much groundwater.The water level will increase. will created a flooding.


1. What is something that you liked about this Mini-Project?
 To created the blog also I can learn different part of Hurricanes Irene.
2. What was difficult for you on this project?
To understand the vocabulary word.
3. What would you change about your work on this project?
I will double check my work. Make sure everything is correct.
4. How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?

This project help me to understand. How the hurricane come from? What they do? How they effect of human?